Sunday, November 6, 2011

Magazine Layout Design – “ChungWah Magazine” Vol3, Nov 2011

A4 Magz - ChungWah Vol 3 - CoverAnother issue of ChungWah Magazine that got done under my wings. This issue had been a success to promote the core service of ChungWah association – Age Care and Community Service.

Many more new sections and columns were introduced in this issue, which had given me more areas to explore the layout variation. It is proven the quality of this magazine from the respond received from the readers, in terms of content and the quality of the magazine.

There had been plans made to put forward this magazine from a members only subscription, to the general public whom can now purchase the next issue on news stand. This had been a great leap forward in terms of editorial and of course, more challenge for me to improve the visual design of the magazine.

If you wish to take a peep of my work, you may download the copy of the magazine in PDF from here.

The next issue will be release in January, packed with more information and visual design challenge that had been accomplished, so stay tuned.

A4 Mag - ChungWah - Cover-sml


Check out my work too on previous issue of
ChungWah Magazine – Vol 2, September 2011.



A4 Magz - ChungWah Vol 3 - 34 & 35     A4 Magz - ChungWah Vol 3 - 6 & 7